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News (4)

Melbourne sunrise

5 min read

June Property Market Review

You can’t watch the news or look at your phone without hearing about inflation and rising interest rates. Speak to friends and family and everyone has an opinion on the current economic state. It’s currently dominating the news and trending... Read More

5 min read

The Difference Between House & Land and Off-The-Plan Purchasing

Lately, there has been a lot of media coverage surrounding the current state of the building industry with discussion centering around the demise of many large players in the industry to rising material costs and supply chain delays. So, we thought... Read More

3 min read

2021: A Year In Review

As we embark on another year, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on our achievements and the challenges of the past 12 months. For Cornus Developments, 2021 was a jam-packed year! We experienced a change in all shapes and sizes. From company... Read More

3 min read

October Property Market Update

Property Boom in Melbourne The Melbourne property market is back and booming! Whether you’re looking to buy a house, apartment or unit for sale in Melbourne – it’s a perfect time. With a huge range of properties on offer, all at different price... Read More
New keys to a new home

5 min read

6 Signs It’s Time For A New Home

No matter how much you love your home or how much time you have spent in it, there may come a time where it doesn’t really fit you anymore. Read More
A hand signing a paper

6 min read

The Current Government Grants & Incentives For Home Buyers

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3 min read

Sales Support During Lockdown

We are still here for you Read More
A house key on the palm of two person

6 min read

A Beginners Guide To Property Investing

There is so much to dissect and understand when it comes to the property market, especially as an investor. It’s a totally different ballpark, with new terminology, different types of loans, and rental yields to understand. As property aficionados,... Read More

5 min read

July Property Market News Update

Property prices in Melbourne, are currently 5.3% higher than pre-covid times, a very statistic that no one predicted. The past 6 months have seen a huge surge in property prices all over the country. It seems that despite a global pandemic, nothing... Read More

4 min read

News: 2021 Federal Budget Property Allocation

The 2021-22 Federal Budget has just been released, and with Australia still recovering from Covid-19, the nation was eager to hear the government’s recovery plan. Throughout the pandemic, a number of grants and incentives were introduced by the... Read More