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First Home Buyer (4)

Demolition in Glen Iris

4 min read

How To: Pay Less Stamp Duty

One of the many benefits of purchasing an off-the-plan property is the stamp duty benefits. There are many government grants, exemptions and discounts available to all types of purchasers, from owner occupiers, to first home buyers and even... Read More

5 min read

Trusting the off-the-plan process

Choosing to purchase a property is one of the biggest and most expensive decisions you’ll make, so you want to make sure you invest with the right company. The off-the-plan process can be extremely beneficial to purchasers, which is why we wanted to... Read More

5 min read

The Process of Buying Off-The-Plan Apartments

When you’re looking to buy a new home, purchasing off-the-plan property can be an attractive option for a number of reasons. Read More
Apartment floor plan in the clipboard

6 min read

Top 10 Questions Regarding Off-The-Plan Purchasing

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A hand signing a paper

6 min read

The Current Government Grants & Incentives For Home Buyers

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A house key on the palm of two person

6 min read

A Beginners Guide To Property Investing

There is so much to dissect and understand when it comes to the property market, especially as an investor. It’s a totally different ballpark, with new terminology, different types of loans, and rental yields to understand. As property aficionados,... Read More
Malvern East II Balcony styling

6 min read

How To Style Your Balcony

Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t have a perfectly styled outdoor area. There are many ways for you to create your own personal little sanctuary where you can indulge in your morning ritual, whether it be coffee, yoga,... Read More

5 min read

The Benefits Of Apartment Living

Apartment living is now #trending in Melbourne. With the population growing, people now want and need to be living in more inner-city locations, which has resulted in a lack of available land. The solution, and only logical response, has been to... Read More
Boutique Bathroom Design

8 min read

Ultimate Guide For First Time Buyers

Buying your first home is an exciting but daunting process. There are so many foreign things to know and understand. This is why we have put together a step by step guide to make your process as seamless as possible. Read More