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How to Flawlessly Style Your New Apartment

How to Flawlessly Style Your New Apartment

Moving into your new apartment is one of the most exciting milestones in your property journey. The anticipation, nerves, and excitement all start to gather just before the big move-in day and you’ve probably already started to think about how you’re going to style your apartment, what new furniture you’re going to buy and what old stuff you’re going to keep. Apartment styling can be tough as you lack the amount of space you may have in a home or townhouse, however, don’t let that stop you from putting your mark on your new space. We have devised some tips and tricks to ensure you maximise your personality without compromising on space. With our Cornus Camberwell project nearing completion, we thought we would pass down our advice, from years of personal experience to our soon-to-be and future residents, on how to best style your apartment. After all, apartment living is all about personalising the space to make it feel like home.

Colour Matching

Our first tip is to settle on a colour scheme. Picking a colour palette for your apartment sets the tone for your new home. Neutral colours are a perfect starting point, as they allow you to add in your own flare whilst not overwhelming the space with too much colour. Lighter and fresher colour choices will open up the space to make it feel larger. That’s why we focus on neutral colour palettes at Cornus Developments, so you can build your style around light neutrals. Once you’ve got a neutral base, adding pops of colour is easy! Pillows, decor and wall art will be your best friend in bringing your own personal style to your apartment.

Hot tip!

If you’re not sure what colour palette or style you like, look for inspiration by saving pictures of what you like and create a mood board. If you’ve collected some different design pictures, you’re likely to see a common style emerge, highlighting your favourite tastes, this will then serve as a great starting point.

Apartment Styling Living areaHunting For George- Apartment Styling


Storage Space Savers

In off-the-plan apartments, maximising space is often a concern for residents. You want to be able to live comfortably in a modern, spacious apartment and not be surrounded by clutter. Double functioning furniture will be your go-to when looking for storage solutions. Pieces like storage ottomans and small baskets you can tuck away under your bed will be perfect for removing any extra clutter.

Vertical storage shelve

Hot tip!

Don’t be afraid to go vertical! Your walls can serve as a huge blank canvas ready for hooks, hangers, and ladders. Even just using taller cabinets rather than short drawers will help utilise more of your vertical space. Going vertical with help to draw your eye up and create more height in your new apartment.

Light, Light & More Light 

What kind of lighting you use can have a huge impact on the openness of your new apartment. First and foremost, having large windows will let in an abundance of natural light. This will help open your space up, reduce your electricity bills and create a warm place for you to call home. 

You can get creative with your lighting choices to help add some flare into your apartment, without being too intrusive. Some great ideas are floor or table lamps and interesting pendants, you can pick up some beautiful show-stopping pieces nowadays, so, why not indulge!

Maximising Natural Light In our Cornus Surrey Hills Project
Maximising Natural Light In our Cornus Surrey Hills Project

Hot tip!

For better temperature control, check out off-the-plan apartments with double glazed windows. The extra insulation will help to regulate the temperature in your apartment passively. At Cornus, residents across all of our projects can enjoy the benefits of double glazed windows, providing the optimal balance between natural light and temperature control.

Creature Comforts

Comfort is key to any home, so, start by selecting comfortable furniture. Try hand-picking pieces with function as your focus, as important as a stylish couch might be, if it’s not comfortable to relax in, you’re not going to want to spend much time on it. Another great idea is to find furniture that can serve as storage, as we mentioned earlier.

You can also add some panache to your home with pillows, throws, and candles. These accessories will help add colour and personality, without breaking the bank!

Hot tip!

If you’re in a smaller apartment, planning is all the more important to ensure you’re comfortable. But don’t be scared, this can simply mean spending a few minutes to map out your rooms and where you want the furniture to go. This will help you optimise space and give you the layout that flows best with your apartment. This also gives you the opportunity to factor in the space you need to open doors and cupboards so the rooms aren’t too cramped. Ultimately, you want to keep your spaces open and allow you to move comfortably between rooms for a modern, spacious apartment.

A great way to do this is the old newspaper trick, map out the room size with newspaper and then use newspaper to fill in the furniture so you can get an accurate representation of the size. This is a really great trick for trying to decide on your couch size, as you don’t want to pick a huge couch that takes up too much space, leaving you little room to move and negatively making the space look smaller.

Outdoor Living

We simply cannot overlook the importance of styling your outdoor space. When picking pieces for your new apartment’s courtyard or balcony, consider the interior style you currently have. Styling the indoor and outdoor areas cohesively can create a sense of unity throughout your home. By matching some colours, tones, and textures from your outside area to your inside living room, you can instantly create space, flow and cohesiveness.

Cornus Malvern East courtyard
Cornus Malvern East II- Courtyard

The best tips and tricks to create space:

  • Mirrors are a fabulous choice as they make a room appear to be larger  
  • When it comes to big furniture pick light colours
  • Sometimes less is more so, avoid cluttering and take a minimalist approach
  • Add in a rug to break up the space
  • Bring the outside in with indoor plants 
  • Use multi-functioning furniture with hidden storage solutions

Things to avoid

Buying Everything At Once

We know shopping trips can be a lot of fun, especially when you’re excited about moving into your new home. You see a couch you love, and then some pillows that would match perfectly and, oh, what’s that? A matching coffee table?! But not so fast. It’s important to plan ahead what you’re going to buy. Buying things in the spur of the moment may lead to pieces not fitting, clashing items, or buyers regret. Take a step back to plan and research what you want to buy when shopping. It’s a much safer option that you research, measure, and do your due diligence now rather than being stuck with furniture that doesn’t suit your new apartment. 

Cheap Furniture 

I’m all for saving a pretty penny, especially when it comes to furnishing an apartment. However, be sure you’re not trading off quality for price. Buying cheap but low quality furniture will only cost you in the long run, as you will need to replace it in the near future. This is why it’s important to prioritise essentials like a bed or couch and save for the non-essential items, remember you don’t need everything when you first move in!

Hot tip!

Do your research before you go shopping! Check what stores are having sales, what your ideal furniture looks like and what budget you have to spend. All of this will contribute to more thoughtful purchases and you getting your dream furniture. 

No Colour Plan

Earlier we gave you some tips on how to pick a colour palette, so now let’s tell you why this step is so important. Without a colour plan, you risk introducing colours that will clash and work against creating a cohesive space. So while we can’t say there’s one single colour to always avoid, we do know how important it is to have a rough colour scheme in mind. 

With all that being said, our final tip is to just have fun with it! There are no right or wrong ways to personalise your new apartment if you’re making it feel like home for you. So use our tips as a guide to better plan your apartment styling to ensure you’re creating your dream space.

Currently, at Cornus Developments, we have a number of projects underway: Malvern East II, Burwood La Frank, and our newly announced Carnegie project. If you would like more information on these, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also view all of our latest project updates here: Camberwell, Malvern East II, La Frank Burwood.


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